We offer a wide range of Radiata pine plywood in a number of different thicknesses, grades and finishes.
Radiata ply can be supplied in verified structural grades for high performance construction application, right through to appearance grades for a high quality knot-free finish. We also supply grooved ply, form ply, marine ply and just about any other ply! We can also supply meranti and other hardwood plywood, as well as most common MDF grades to order.
LOSP H1.2 treated (interior or exterior where board is painted) or CCA H3.2, H4, H5 and H6 treated (for exterior, continuous wetting).
Standard Sizes
1200mm x 2400mm
1200mm x 2700mm
1200mm x 3000mm
Standard Structural
Perfect for most common structurally applications. Available in a DD grade or CD (paint finish) grade and all of our treatments.
Roofing Ply
Structurally graded to F14 standards and is supplied with a plastic tongue and wooden groove.
Plywood Cladding
Available in a grooved or textured finish. Cladding ply is free from knots and blemishes on the exposed face and is ready to stain or paint for an attractive timber finish.
Jetty Ply
Similar to our structural ply but with a specific marine bonded glue line and higher CCA treatments to last in the harsh marine environment.